A greener way to go
Products we offer
Our biofertiliser provides a safe and sustainable alternative source of nutrients for the agricultural industry.
Solid digestate - Through recycling and treating liquid and food waste, a product, in the form of solid digestate, can be used as nutrient-rich agricultural biofertiliser.
Benefit to land - Fertilisation of agricultural land is vital for producing sufficient crop yields. Using our fertilisers, existing and prospective customers can be confident that they are benefitting their land while meeting environmental standards.
Support - An environmentally friendly product for agricultural land, the biofertiliser has a wealth of essential, organic nutrients. Our tailored management service means we can help our customers with application on land, technical support and planning.
"We provide farmers with a sustainable alternative to traditional fertilisers and offer them peace of mind when it comes to compliance and with strategic planning from advice to delivery, we are proud to offer a responsible product."
Biofertilisers produced by GENeco provide a range of nutrients including nitrogen, sulphur, magnesium and trace elements. This introduces important organic matter into the land and when used as part of an integrated soil conditioning plan, our biofertilisers can stimulate microbial activity and improve crop vitality.
Over 80,000 hectares of land are currently treated with biofertilisers nationwide; GENeco provides over 220,000 tonnes of this to farmers seeking a safe and competitively priced alternative to inorganic fertilisers.

Why biofertiliser?
GENeco's biofertiliser benefits agricultural land in a range of ways including:
- increased soil organic matter and moisture retention
- improved soil structure
- reduced inorganic input
- reduced carbon footprint
- input of essential nutrients and trace elements namely phosphate, nitrogen and sulphat
There is also a significant cost reduction compared to using inorganic fertilisers.
Our service includes advice on application and strategic planning, so please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

Vigorous environmental controls are integral to our food and liquid waste recycling process. As a result, our products are safe to use and offer peace of mind to farmers.
By working closely with governing bodies, environmental health officers and other stakeholders, we can support farmers to ensure they abide by relevant codes of practice.
We also abide by required regulations including Single Farm Payments, which incorporates Statutory Management Requirements (SMR), and Good Agricultural Environmental Conditions.
To sustain our zero waste to landfill status, the gas produced in the digestion process is captured and cleaned to an acceptable level for it to be fed to the national grid in our gas to grid facility, adding to our green credentials.